Interactive map
Variable 1:
Economic size (ESU)
Total ag labour input (AWU)
Labour input (h)
Unpaid labour input (AWU)
Unpaid labour input (h)
Paid labour input (AWU)
Paid labour Input (h)
Share of OGA work /AWU (FWU/AWU)
Share of OGA work (FWU)
UAA (ha)
Arable land (ha)
Permanent crops (ha)
Permanent grassland (ha)
Rented U.A.A. (ha)
Cereals (ha)
Other field crops (ha)
Energy crops (ha)
Vegetables and flowers (ha)
Vineyards (ha)
Permanent crops (ha)
Orchards (ha)
Olive groves (ha)
Other permanent crops (ha)
Forage crops (ha)
Agricultural fallows (ha)
Set aside (ha)
Total agricultural area out of production (ha)
Woodland area (ha)
Total livestock units (LU)
Dairy cows (LU)
Dairy cows (LU)
Buffalo dairy cows (LU)
Other cattle (LU)
Sheep and goats (LU)
Pigs (LU)
Poultry (LU)
Non-convential livestock units (%)
Yield of wheat (100 kg/ha)
Wheat (ha)
Wheat (t)
Yield of maize (100 kg/ha)
Maize (ha)
Maize (t)
Stocking density (LU/ha)
Forage (ha)
Grazing livestock (LU)
Milk yield (kg/capita)
Dairy cows (capita)
Dairy products (kg)
Milk yield cattle dairy cows (100 kg/LU)
Cattle dairy cows (LU)
Cattle dairy products (t)
Milk yield buffalo dairy cows (100 kg/LU)
buffalo dairy cows (LU)
Buffalo dairy cows product (t)
Total output (EUR)
Total input (EUR)
Total output (EUR)
Total output crops & crop production (EUR)
Total crops output / ha (EUR/ha)
ha (ha)
Total crops output (EUR)
Cereals (EUR)
Protein crops (EUR)
Energy crops (EUR)
Potatoes (EUR)
Sugar beet (EUR)
Oil-seed crops (EUR)
Industrial crops (EUR)
Vegetables & flowers (EUR)
Fruit (EUR)
Citrus fruit (EUR)
Wine and grapes (EUR)
Olives & olive oil (EUR)
Forage crops (EUR)
Other crop output (EUR)
Total output livestock & livestock products (EUR)
Total livestock output / LU (EUR/LU)
Livestock Units (LU)
Total livestock output (EUR)
Change in value of livestock (EUR)
Cows' milk & milk products (EUR)
Beef and veal (EUR)
Pigmeat (EUR)
Sheep and goats (EUR)
Poultrymeat (EUR)
Eggs (EUR)
Ewes' and goats' milk (EUR)
Other livestock & products (EUR)
Other output (EUR)
Farmhouse consumption (EUR)
Farm use (EUR)
Total Inputs (EUR)
Total intermediate consumption (EUR)
Total specific costs (EUR)
Specific crop costs / ha (EUR/ha)
ha (ha)
Specific crop costs (EUR)
Seeds and plants (EUR)
Seeds and plants home-grown (EUR)
Fertilisers (EUR)
Fertiliser N (t)
Fertiliser P2O5 (t)
Fertiliser K2O (t)
Crop protection (EUR)
Other crop specific costs (EUR)
Specific livestock costs / LU (EUR/LU)
Livestock Units (LU)
Specific livestock costs (EUR)
Feed for grazing livestock (EUR)
Feed for grazing livestock home-grown (EUR)
Feed for pigs & poultry (EUR)
Feed for pigs&poultry home-grown (EUR)
Other livestock specific costs (EUR)
Forestry specific costs (EUR)
Total farming overheads (EUR)
Machinery & building current costs (EUR)
Energy (EUR)
Contract work (EUR)
Other direct inputs (EUR)
Depreciation (EUR)
Total external factors (EUR)
Wages paid (EUR)
Rent paid (EUR)
Interest paid (EUR)
Balance of interest paid and received (EUR)
Taxes (EUR)
VAT balance excluding on investments (EUR)
Balance subsidies & taxes on investments (EUR)
Subsidies on investments (EUR)
Payments to dairy outgoers (EUR)
VAT on investments (EUR)
Balance of VAT on investments (EUR)
Gross Farm Income (EUR)
Farm Net Value Added (EUR)
Farm Net Income (EUR)
Farm Net Value Added / AWU (EUR/AWU)
Farm Net Value Added (EUR)
Family Farm Income / FWU (EUR/FWU)
Family Farm Income (EUR)
Total assets (EUR)
Total assets, opening valuation (EUR)
Total fixed assets (EUR)
Land, permanent crops & quotas (EUR)
Buildings (EUR)
Machinery (EUR)
Breeding livestock (EUR)
Total current assets (EUR)
Non-breeding livestock (EUR)
Stock of agricultural products (EUR)
Inventories (EUR)
Other circulating capital (EUR)
Total liabilities (EUR)
Long & medium-term loans (EUR)
Short-term loans (EUR)
Net worth (EUR)
Change in net worth (EUR)
Average farm capital (EUR)
Gross Investment (EUR)
Net Investment (EUR)
Cash Flow (1) (EUR)
Cash Flow (2) (EUR)
Balance current subsidies & taxes (EUR)
Subsidies (excl invest) (EUR)
Total Direct Payments (EUR)
Total subsidies on crops (EUR)
Compensatory payments/area payments (EUR)
Set aside premiums (EUR)
Other crops subsidies (EUR)
Total subsidies on livestock (EUR)
Subsidies dairying (EUR)
Subsidies other cattle (EUR)
Subsidies sheep & goats (EUR)
Other livestock subsidies (EUR)
Environmental subsidies (EUR)
LFA subsidies (EUR)
Other rural development payments (EUR)
Total support for rural development (EUR)
Subsidies on intermediate consumption (EUR)
Subsidies on external factors (EUR)
Decoupled payments (EUR)
Single Farm payment (EUR)
Single Area payment (EUR)
Additional aid (EUR)
Support_Art68 (EUR)
Other subsidies (EUR)
Total OGA output (EUR)
Forestry and wood processing (EUR)
Contractual work (services) (EUR)
Agritourism (EUR)
All specific costs for other gainful activities (EUR)
Apples Production (t)
Apples Sales quantity (t)
Apples Total area under production (ha)
Barley AA (ha)
Barley Production (t)
Barley Sales quantity (t)
Barley Total area under production (ha)
tangerine, mandarine, clem. AA (ha)
Tangerines, mandarins, clementines and similar Production (t)
Tangerines, mandarins, clementines and similar Sales quantity (t)
Tangerines, mandarins, clementines and similar Total area under production (ha)
Carrots Production (t)
Carrots Sales quantity (t)
Carrots Total area under production (ha)
Fallow land without any subsidies_AA (ha)
Fallow land without any subsidies Production (t)
Fallow land without any subsidies Sales quantity (t)
Fallow land without any subsidies Total area under production (ha)
fodder maize_AA (ha)
Green maize Production (t)
Green maize Sales quantity (t)
Green maize Total area under production (ha)
fodder roots+brassicas AA (ha)
Fodder roots and brassicas (excluding seed) Farm use (EUR)
Fodder roots and brassicas (excluding seed) Production (t)
Fodder roots and brassicas (excluding seed) Sales quantity (t)
Fodder roots and brassicas (excluding seed) Total area under production (ha)
table grapes_AA (ha)
Table grapes Production (t)
Table grapes Sales quantity (t)
Table grapes Total area under production (ha)
grapes other wine AA (ha)
Grapes for other wines Production (t)
Grapes for other wines Sales quantity (t)
Grapes for other wines Total area under production (ha)
grapes qual._wine AA (ha)
Grapes for quality wine with PDO Production (t)
Grapes for quality wine with PDO Sales quantity (t)
Grapes for quality wine with PDO Total area under production (ha)
grapes PGI qual._wine AA (ha)
Grapes for quality wine with PGI Production (t)
Grapes for quality wine with PGI Sales quantity (t)
Grapes for quality wine with PGI Total area under production (ha)
temporary_grass AA (ha)
Temporary grass Farm use (EUR)
Temporary grass Production (t)
Temporary grass Sales quantity (t)
Temporary grass Total area under production (ha)
meado.+_perm.past. AA (ha)
Pasture and meadow, excluding rough grazings Farm use (EUR)
Pasture and meadow, excluding rough grazings Production (t)
Pasture and meadow, excluding rough grazings Sales quantity (t)
Pasture and meadow, excluding rough grazings Total area under production (ha)
Hemp AA (ha)
Hemp Production (t)
Hemp Sales quantity (t)
Hemp Total area under production (ha)
Hops AA (ha)
Hops Production (t)
Hops Sales quantity (t)
Hops Total area under production (ha)
Leguminous plants Production (t)
Leguminous plants Sales quantity (t)
Leguminous plants Total area under production (ha)
leased to_others AA (ha)
Land ready for sowing leased to others Total area under production (ha)
Lentils,ch.peas.. AA (ha)
Lentils, chickpeas and vetches Production (t)
Lentils, chickpeas and vetches Sales quantity (t)
Lentils, chickpeas and vetches Total area under production (ha)
Lettuce Production (t)
Lettuce Sales quantity (t)
Lettuce Total area under production (ha)
Melons Production (t)
Melons Sales quantity (t)
Melons Total area under production (ha)
mushrooms_AA (ha)
Mushrooms Production (t)
Mushrooms Sales quantity (t)
Mushrooms Total area under production (ha)
Grain maize_AA (ha)
Grain maize Production (t)
Grain maize Sales quantity (t)
Grain maize Total area under production (ha)
nurseries_incl. vines AA (ha)
Nurseries Sales quantity (t)
Nurseries Total area under production (ha)
nuts AA (ha)
Nuts Production (t)
Nuts Sales quantity (t)
Nuts Total area under production (ha)
Oats AA (ha)
Oats Production (t)
Oats Sales quantity (t)
Oats Total area under production (ha)
tbl. olives_AA (ha)
Table olives Production (t)
Table olives Sales quantity (t)
Table olives Total area under production (ha)
olives for_oil prod. AA (ha)
Olives for oil production (sold in fruit) Production (t)
Olives for oil production (sold in fruit) Sales quantity (t)
Olives for oil production (sold in fruit) Total area under production (ha)
olive oil_AA (ha)
Olive oil Production (t)
Olive oil Sales quantity (t)
Olive oil Total area under production (ha)
Onions Production (t)
Onions Sales quantity (t)
Onions Total area under production (ha)
oranges_AA (ha)
Oranges Production (t)
Oranges Sales quantity (t)
Oranges Total area under production (ha)
Peas,fld beans,. AA (ha)
Peas, field beans and sweet lupines Production (t)
Peas, field beans and sweet lupines Sales quantity (t)
Peas, field beans and sweet lupines Total area under production (ha)
Peaches and nectarines Production (t)
Peaches and nectarines Sales quantity (t)
Peaches and nectarines Total area under production (ha)
Pears Production (t)
Pears Sales quantity (t)
Pears Total area under production (ha)
perm. crp._u/protect.AA (ha)
Permanent crops under glass Total area under production (ha)
Potatoes AA (ha)
Potatoes (incl early and seed) Production (t)
Potatoes (incl early and seed) Sales quantity (t)
Potatoes (incl early and seed) Total area under production (ha)
rape AA (ha)
Rape and turnip rape Production (t)
Rape and turnip rape Sales quantity (t)
Rape and turnip rape Total area under production (ha)
rough gra-_zing AA (ha)
Rough grazings Farm use (EUR)
Rough grazings Production (t)
Rough grazings Sales quantity (t)
Rough grazings Total area under production (ha)
Rice AA (ha)
Rice Production (t)
Rice Sales quantity (t)
Rice Total area under production (ha)
Rye AA (ha)
Rye Production (t)
Rye Sales quantity (t)
Rye Total area under production (ha)
sunflower_ AA (ha)
Sunflower Production (t)
Sunflower Sales quantity (t)
Sunflower Total area under production (ha)
soyaAA (ha)
Soya Production (t)
Soya Sales quantity (t)
Soya Total area under production (ha)
Straw Production (t)
Straw Sales quantity (t)
Sugar beet AA (ha)
Sugar beet (excluding seed) Production (t)
Sugar beet (excluding seed) Sales quantity (t)
Sugar beet (excluding seed) Total area under production (ha)
tomatoes_AA (ha)
Tomatoes Production (t)
Tomatoes Sales quantity (t)
Tomatoes Total area under production (ha)
Cereals (excl. rice) AA (ha)
Cereals (excl. rice) FU (EUR)
Cereals (excl. rice) QQ (t)
Cereals (excl. rice) SA (EUR)
Cereals (excl. rice) TA (ha)
Cereals _oilse&prot.AA (ha)
Cereals _oilse&prot.FU (EUR)
COP: Production Quantity (t)
Cereals _oilse&prot.SA (EUR)
Area (ha)
Oth. field cash crops. - AA (ha)
Oth. field cash crops. - FU (EUR)
Oth. field cash crops. - QQ (t)
Oth. field cash crops. - SA (EUR) crp.-TA (ha)
Forage (incl. grass) (ha)
Forage (incl. grass) FU (EUR)
Forage (incl. grass) QQ (t)
Forage (incl. grass) SA (EUR)
Forage crops products FU (EUR)
Forage crops products QQ (t)
Forage crops products SA (EUR)
Forage crops product TA (ha)
Fruit (incl. citrus) AA (ha)
Fruit (incl. citrus) FU (EUR)
Fruit: Production Quantity (t)
Fruit (incl. citrus) SA (EUR)
Area (ha)
Grass AA (ha)
Grass FU (EUR)
Grass QQ (t)
Grass SA (EUR) AA (ha)
Vegetables, mushrooms, flowers AA (ha)
Vegetables, mushrooms, flowers FU (EUR)
Horticulture: Production Quantity (t)
Vegetables, mushrooms, flowers SA (EUR)
Area (ha)
Tot.irr.crop_AA (ha)
Tot.irr.crop_TA (ha)
Tot. cr. set AA (ha)
Tot. cr. set FU (EUR)
Tot. cr. set QQ (t)
Tot. cr. set SA (EUR)
Non-fruit permanent crops AA (ha)
Non-fruit permanent crops FU (EUR)
Non-fruit permanent crops QQ (t)
Non-fruit permanent crops SA (EUR)
Non-fruit permanent crops TA (ha)
Crops under glas AA (ha)
Crops under glas FU (EUR)
Crops under glas QQ (t)
Crops under glas SA (EUR)
woodland AA (ha)
Wooded area Sales value (EUR)
Wooded area Total area under production (ha)
Common wheat_AA (ha)
Wheat: Production Quantity (t)
Common wheat and spelt Sales quantity (t)
Area (ha)
Durum wheat_AA (ha)
Durum wheat Production (t)
Durum wheat Sales quantity (t)
Durum wheat Total area under production (ha)
Farming overheads. Electricity. Value (EUR)
Motor fuels and lubricants Value (EUR)
Purchased concentrated feedstuffs for grazing stock (equines, ruminants) Value (EUR)
Purchased coarse fodder for grazing stock (equines, ruminants) Value (EUR)
Heating fuels Value (EUR)
Farm-produced feedstuffs for grazing stock (equines, ruminants) Value (EUR)
Farm-produced feedstuffs for pigs Value (EUR)
Purchased feedstuffs for pigs Value (EUR)
Farm-produced feedstuffs for poultry and other small animals Value (EUR)
Purchased feedstuffs for poultry and other small animals Value (EUR)
Crop Protection (EUR)
Water Value (EUR)
milk - FC (EUR)
milk - FU (EUR)
milk - QQ (t)
milk - SA (EUR)
Milk - Total output (EUR)
Bovine animals, >= 1 < 2 y.o., female. Sales for slaughtering. Number (capita)
Bovine animals, >= 1 < 2 y.o., male. Sales for slaughtering. Number (capita)
Bovine animals, < 1 y.o., male and female. Sales for slaughtering. Number (capita)
Male bovine animals, >= 2 y.o.. Sales for slaughtering. Number (capita)
Dairy cows. Sales for slaughtering. Number (capita)
Heifers for fattening. Sales for slaughtering. Number (capita)
Laying hens. Sales for slaughtering. Number (capita)
Pigs for fattening. Sales for slaughtering. Number (capita)
Piglets, live weight < 20 kg. Sales for slaughtering. Number (capita)
Other pigs. Sales for slaughtering. Number (capita)
Poultry - broilers. Sales for slaughtering. Number (capita)
Other poultry. Sales for slaughtering. Number (capita)
Forestry and wood processing Sales value (EUR)
Eggs for human consumption (all poultry) - Farm consumption. Quantity (t)
Eggs for human consumption (all poultry) - Farm use. Quantity (t)
Eggs for human consumption (all poultry) - Production quantity (t)
Eggs for human consumption (all poultry) Sales quantity (t)
Eggs for human consumption (all poultry) Sales value (EUR)
Eggs for human consumption (all poultry) - Total output. Value (EUR)
Eggs for hatching (all poultry) - Farm use. Quantity (t)
Eggs for hatching (all poultry) - Production quantity (t)
Eggs for hatching (all poultry) Sales quantity (t)
Eggs for hatching (all poultry) Sales value (EUR)
Eggs for hatching (all poultry) - Total output. Value (EUR)
Cows' milk - Farm consumption. Quantity (t)
Cows' milk - Farm use. Quantity (t)
Milk: Production Quantity (t)
Cows' milk Sales quantity (t)
Cows' milk Sales value (EUR)
Cows' milk - Total output. Value (EUR)
Casual Paid Annual time worked (h)
Manager Paid Total annual time worked (h)
Other Paid Annual time worked (h)
Casual Unpaid Annual time worked (h)
Holder/manager Unpaid Total annual time worked (h)
Holder/not manager Unpaid Total annual time worked (h)
Manager/not holder Unpaid Total annual time worked (h)
Other Unpaid Annual time worked (h)
Spouse of holder Unpaid Annual time worked (h)
Bovine adult males, dairy (capita)
Bovine adult males, non-dairy (capita)
Bovine fattening males, dairy (capita)
Bovine replacement males, dairy (capita)
Bovine replacement males, non-dairy (capita)
Bovine adult females, dairy (capita)
Bovine fattening females, dairy (capita)
Bovine fattening females, non-dairy (capita)
Bovine replacement females, dairy (capita)
Bovine replacement females, non-dairy (capita)
Ovine/caprine adult males, dairy (capita)
Ovine/caprine adult males, non-dairy (capita)
Ovine/caprine fattening males, dairy (capita)
Ovine/caprine fattening males, non-dairy (capita)
Ovine/caprine replacement males, dairy (capita)
Ovine/caprine replacement males, non-dairy (capita)
Ovine/caprine adult females, dairy (capita)
Ovine/caprine adult females, non-dairy (capita)
Ovine/caprine fattening females, dairy (capita)
Ovine/caprine fattening females, non-dairy (capita)
Ovine/caprine replacement females, dairy (capita)
Ovine/caprine replacement females, non-dairy (capita)
Swine adult males, meat (capita)
Swine replacement males, meat (capita)
Swine adult females, meat (capita)
Swine replacement females, meat (capita)
Avian adult males, meat (capita)
Avian replacement males, meat (capita)
Avian fattening, meat (capita)
Avian adult females, eggs (capita)
Avian replacement females, eggs (capita)
Blue water used directly for avian resident production (m^3)
Human activity applied directly for avian resident production---does not use FADN technical coefficients, has limited use (hr)
Blue water used directly for bovine resident production (m^3)
Human activity applied directly for bovine resident production---does not use FADN technical coefficients, has limited use (hr)
Calculated demand of all forage crops less grass by animal residents (tonne)
Calculated demand of all grass by animal residents (tonne)
Blue water used directly for ovine resident production (m^3)
Human activity applied directly for ovine resident production---does not use FADN technical coefficients, has limited use (hr)
Blue water used directly for swine resident production (m^3)
Human activity applied directly for swin resident production---does not use FADN technical coefficients, has limited use (hr)
Imported feed, forage crop (Domestic) (tonne)
Imported feed, grass (Domestic) (tonne)
Imported Feed (tonne)
Imported feed, grass (Non-Domestic) (tonne)
Calculated immediate excess (production minus farm use) of all forage crops, less grass---does not consider the CDQ variables (tonne)
Production minus farmuse grasses feed (tonne)
Total blue water use (m^3)
Total green water use (m^3)
Blue water use associated with imported feed (m^3)
Green water use associated with imported feed (m^3)
Blue water used for local vegetals (m^3)
Green water used for local vegetals (m^3)
Avian, all (capita)
Bovine, all (capita)
Ovine/caprine, all (capita)
Swine, all (capita)
Avian, eggs (capita)
Avian, meat (capita)
Bovine, non-dairy (capita)
Bovine, dairy (capita)
Ovine/caprine, dairy (capita)
Ovine/caprine, non-dairy (capita)
Beet and Potato (EUR)
Beet and Potato: Agricultural Area (ha)
Beet and Potato: Production Quantity (t)
Beet and Potato Sales Quantity (t)
Area (ha)
Livestock Units (LSU)
Livestock Units: Cattle, Sheep and Goats for meat (LSU)
Livestock Units: Chickens and Pigs for meat (LSU)
Carbon:Nitrogen Ratio (min) (Ratio C:N)
Carbon:Nitrogen Ratio (max) (Ratio C:N)
Carbon:Nitrogen Ratio (range) (Ratio C:N)
Carbon:Nitrogen Ratio (mean) (Ratio C:N)
Carbon:Nitrogen Ratio (std) (Ratio C:N)
Calcium Carbonates (min) ('g·'~kg^{-1})
Calcium Carbonates (max) ('g·'~kg^{-1})
Calcium Carbonates (range) ('g·'~kg^{-1})
Calcium Carbonates (mean) ('g·'~kg^{-1})
Calcium Carbonates (std) ('g·'~kg^{-1})
Nitrogen (min) ('g·'~kg^{-1})
Nitrogen (max) ('g·'~kg^{-1})
Nitrogen (range) ('g·'~kg^{-1})
Nitrogen (mean) ('g·'~kg^{-1})
Nitrogen (std) ('g·'~kg^{-1})
Potassium (min) ('mg·'~kg^{-1})
Potassium (max) ('mg·'~kg^{-1})
Potassium (range) ('mg·'~kg^{-1})
Potassium (mean) ('mg·'~kg^{-1})
Potassium (std) ('mg·'~kg^{-1})
Phosphorous (min) ('mg·'~kg^{-1})
Phosphorous (max) ('mg·'~kg^{-1})
Phosphorous (range) ('mg·'~kg^{-1})
Phosphorous (mean) ('mg·'~kg^{-1})
Phosphorous (std) ('mg·'~kg^{-1})
pH in CaCl2 (min) (pH)
pH in CaCl2 (max) (pH)
pH in CaCl2 (range) (pH)
pH in CaCl2 (mean) (pH)
pH in CaCl2 (std) (pH)
pH in Water (min) (pH)
pH in Water (max) (pH)
pH in Water (range) (pH)
pH in Water (mean) (pH)
pH in Water (std) (pH)
Difference between pH in CaCl2 and Water (min) (difference)
Difference between pH in CaCl2 and Water (max) (difference)
Difference between pH in CaCl2 and Water (range) (difference)
Difference between pH in CaCl2 and Water (mean) (difference)
Difference between pH in CaCl2 and Water (std) (difference)
Evenness (Area) (Shannon's H)
Diversity (Area) (Shannon's H)
Evenness (count) (Shannon's H)
Diversity (count) (Shannon's H)
Evenness Cropping (Area) (Shannon's H)
Diversity Cropping (Area) (Shannon's H)
Evenness Cropping (count) (Shannon's H)
Diversity Cropping (count) (Shannon's H)
Evenness Cropping (tonnes) (Shannon's H)
Diversity Cropping (tonnes) (Shannon's H)
GVA: Agriculture, forestry and fishing (Million Euros)
GVA: Industry (except construction) (Million Euros)
GVA: Manufacturing (Million Euros)
GVA: Construction (Million Euros)
GVA: Wholesale and retail trade, transport, accommodation and food service activities (Million Euros)
GVA: Wholesale and retail trade; transport; accommodation and food service activities; information and communication (Million Euros)
GVA: Information and communication (Million Euros)
GVA: Financial and insurance activities (Million Euros)
GVA: Financial and insurance activities; real estate activities; professional, scientific and technical activities; administrative and support service activities (Million Euros)
GVA: Real estate activities (Million Euros)
GVA: Professional, scientific and technical activities; administrative and support service activities (Million Euros)
GVA: Public administration, defence, education, human health and social work activities (Million Euros)
GVA: Public administration and defence; compulsory social security; education; human health and social work activities; arts, entertainment and recreation (Million Euros)
GVA: Arts, entertainment and recreation (Million Euros)
GVA: Total (Million Euros)
GVA: Agriculture (Million Euros)
Labour: Mining and quarrying (jobs)
Labour: Mining of coal and lignite (jobs)
Labour: Extraction of crude petroleum and natural gas (jobs)
Labour: Mining of metal ores (jobs)
Labour: Other mining and quarrying (jobs)
Labour: Mining support service activities (jobs)
Labour: Manufacturing (jobs)
Labour: Manufacture of food products (jobs)
Labour: Manufacture of beverages (jobs)
Labour: Manufacture of tobacco products (jobs)
Labour: Manufacture of textiles (jobs)
Labour: Manufacture of wearing apparel (jobs)
Labour: Manufacture of leather and related products (jobs)
Labour: Manufacture of wood and of products of wood and cork, except furniture; manufacture of articles of straw and plaiting materials (jobs)
Labour: Manufacture of paper and paper products (jobs)
Labour: Printing and reproduction of recorded media (jobs)
Labour: Manufacture of coke and refined petroleum products (jobs)
Labour: Manufacture of chemicals and chemical products (jobs)
Labour: Manufacture of basic pharmaceutical products and pharmaceutical preparations (jobs)
Labour: Manufacture of rubber and plastic products (jobs)
Labour: Manufacture of other non-metallic mineral products (jobs)
Labour: Manufacture of basic metals (jobs)
Labour: Manufacture of fabricated metal products, except machinery and equipment (jobs)
Labour: Manufacture of computer, electronic and optical products (jobs)
Labour: Manufacture of electrical equipment (jobs)
Labour: Manufacture of machinery and equipment n.e.c. (jobs)
Labour: Manufacture of motor vehicles, trailers and semi-trailers (jobs)
Labour: Manufacture of other transport equipment (jobs)
Labour: Manufacture of furniture (jobs)
Labour: Other manufacturing (jobs)
Labour: Repair and installation of machinery and equipment (jobs)
Labour: Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply (jobs)
Labour: Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply (jobs)
Labour: Water supply; sewerage, waste management and remediation activities (jobs)
Labour: Water collection, treatment and supply (jobs)
Labour: Sewerage (jobs)
Labour: Waste collection, treatment and disposal activities; materials recovery (jobs)
Labour: Remediation activities and other waste management services (jobs)
Labour: Construction (jobs)
Labour: Construction of buildings (jobs)
Labour: Civil engineering (jobs)
Labour: Specialised construction activities (jobs)
Labour: Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles (jobs)
Labour: Wholesale and retail trade and repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles (jobs)
Labour: Sale of motor vehicles (jobs)
Labour: Maintenance and repair of motor vehicles (jobs)
Labour: Sale of motor vehicle parts and accessories (jobs)
Labour: Sale, maintenance and repair of motorcycles and related parts and accessories (jobs)
Labour: Wholesale trade, except of motor vehicles and motorcycles (jobs)
Labour: Wholesale on a fee or contract basis (jobs)
Labour: Wholesale of agricultural raw materials and live animals (jobs)
Labour: Wholesale of food, beverages and tobacco (jobs)
Labour: Wholesale of household goods (jobs)
Labour: Wholesale of information and communication equipment (jobs)
Labour: Wholesale of other machinery, equipment and supplies (jobs)
Labour: Other specialised wholesale (jobs)
Labour: Non-specialised wholesale trade (jobs)
Labour: Retail trade, except of motor vehicles and motorcycles (jobs)
Labour: Retail sale in non-specialised stores (jobs)
Labour: Retail sale of food, beverages and tobacco in specialised stores (jobs)
Labour: Retail sale of automotive fuel in specialised stores (jobs)
Labour: Retail sale of information and communication equipment in specialised stores (jobs)
Labour: Retail sale of other household equipment in specialised stores (jobs)
Labour: Retail sale of cultural and recreation goods in specialised stores (jobs)
Labour: Retail sale of other goods in specialised stores (jobs)
Labour: Retail sale via stalls and markets (jobs)
Labour: Retail trade not in stores, stalls or markets (jobs)
Labour: Transportation and storage (jobs)
Labour: Land transport and transport via pipelines (jobs)
Labour: Water transport (jobs)
Labour: Air transport (jobs)
Labour: Warehousing and support activities for transportation (jobs)
Labour: Postal and courier activities (jobs)
Labour: Accommodation and food service activities (jobs)
Labour: Accommodation (jobs)
Labour: Food and beverage service activities (jobs)
Labour: Information and communication (jobs)
Labour: Publishing activities (jobs)
Labour: Motion picture, video and television programme production, sound recording and music publishing activities (jobs)
Labour: Programming and broadcasting activities (jobs)
Labour: Telecommunications (jobs)
Labour: Computer programming, consultancy and related activities (jobs)
Labour: Information service activities (jobs)
Labour: Real estate activities (jobs)
Labour: Real estate activities (jobs)
Labour: Professional, scientific and technical activities (jobs)
Labour: Legal and accounting activities (jobs)
Labour: Activities of head offices; management consultancy activities (jobs)
Labour: Architectural and engineering activities; technical testing and analysis (jobs)
Labour: Scientific research and development (jobs)
Labour: Advertising and market research (jobs)
Labour: Other professional, scientific and technical activities (jobs)
Labour: Veterinary activities (jobs)
Labour: Administrative and support service activities (jobs)
Labour: Rental and leasing activities (jobs)
Labour: Employment activities (jobs)
Labour: Travel agency, tour operator and other reservation service and related activities (jobs)
Labour: Security and investigation activities (jobs)
Labour: Services to buildings and landscape activities (jobs)
Labour: Office administrative, office support and other business support activities (jobs)
Labour: Repair of computers and personal and household goods (jobs)
TOTAL Labour (jobs)
Sole holders working on the farm (persons)
Female: Sole holders working on the farm (persons)
Male: Sole holders working on the farm (persons)
Labour force - members of sole holders' family (persons)
Male: Labour force: members of sole holders' family (persons)
Female: Labour force: members of sole holders' family (persons)
Family labour force (persons)
Male: Family labour force (persons)
Female: Family labour force (persons)
Regular non family labour force (persons)
Male: Regular non family labour force (persons)
Female: Regular non family labour force (persons)
Regular Labour force (persons)
Male: Regular labour force (persons)
Female: Regular labour force (persons)
Sole holders (AWU)
Female: Sole holders working on the farm (AWU)
Male: Sole holders working on the farm (AWU)
Labour force : members of sole holders' family (AWU)
Male: Labour force: members of sole holders' family - calculated (AWU)
Female: Labour force: members of sole holders' family-calculated (AWU)
Family labour force (AWU)
Male: Family labour force (AWU)
Females: Family labour force (AWU)
Regular non family labour force (AWU)
Male: Regular non family labour force (AWU)
Female: Regular non family labour force (AWU)
Regular Labour force (AWU)
Male: Regular labour force (AWU)
Female: Regular labour force (AWU)
Non-family labour force working on non-regular basis (AWU)
Total: Labour force directly employed by the holding (AWU)
AWU: Labour force not directly employed by the holding (AWU)
Total population (persons)
Soil Wind Erosion (Area) (t/ha/year)
Soil Wind Erosion (Min) (t/ha/year)
Soil Wind Erosion (Max) (t/ha/year)
Soil Wind Erosion (Range) (t/ha/year)
Soil Wind Erosion (Mean) (t/ha/year)
Soil Wind Erosion (St Dev) (t/ha/year)
Soil Wind Erosion (Sum) (t/ha/year)
Soil Water Erosion (Area) (t/ha/year)
Soil Water Erosion (Min) (t/ha/year)
Soil Water Erosion (Max) (t/ha/year)
Soil Water Erosion (Range) (t/ha/year)
Soil Water Erosion (Mean) (t/ha/year)
Soil Water Erosion (St Dev) (t/ha/year)
Soil Water Erosion (Sum) (t/ha/year)
Soil Erosion (Min) (t/ha/year)
Soil Erosion (Max) (t/ha/year)
Soil Erosion (Mean) (t/ha/year)
Soil Erosion (Sum) (t/ha/year)
Pollinator Index (Area) (Index)
Pollinator Index (Min) (Index)
Pollinator Index (Max) (Index)
Pollinator Index (Range) (Index)
Pollinator Index (Mean) (Index)
Pollinator Index (St Dev) (Index)
Pollinator Index (Sum) (Index)
Greenwater Footprint (m^3/year) (Index)
Maximum Sustainable Greenwater Footprint (m^3/year) (Index)
The Difference between the actual and max greenwater footprint (Index)
The difference between the actual and max greenwater footprint expressed as a percentage (Index)
Length of all Linear features (km)
High or Good Ecological Status (%)
Variable 2:
Economic size (ESU)
Total ag labour input (AWU)
Labour input (h)
Unpaid labour input (AWU)
Unpaid labour input (h)
Paid labour input (AWU)
Paid labour Input (h)
Share of OGA work /AWU (FWU/AWU)
Share of OGA work (FWU)
UAA (ha)
Arable land (ha)
Permanent crops (ha)
Permanent grassland (ha)
Rented U.A.A. (ha)
Cereals (ha)
Other field crops (ha)
Energy crops (ha)
Vegetables and flowers (ha)
Vineyards (ha)
Permanent crops (ha)
Orchards (ha)
Olive groves (ha)
Other permanent crops (ha)
Forage crops (ha)
Agricultural fallows (ha)
Set aside (ha)
Total agricultural area out of production (ha)
Woodland area (ha)
Total livestock units (LU)
Dairy cows (LU)
Dairy cows (LU)
Buffalo dairy cows (LU)
Other cattle (LU)
Sheep and goats (LU)
Pigs (LU)
Poultry (LU)
Non-convential livestock units (%)
Yield of wheat (100 kg/ha)
Wheat (ha)
Wheat (t)
Yield of maize (100 kg/ha)
Maize (ha)
Maize (t)
Stocking density (LU/ha)
Forage (ha)
Grazing livestock (LU)
Milk yield (kg/capita)
Dairy cows (capita)
Dairy products (kg)
Milk yield cattle dairy cows (100 kg/LU)
Cattle dairy cows (LU)
Cattle dairy products (t)
Milk yield buffalo dairy cows (100 kg/LU)
buffalo dairy cows (LU)
Buffalo dairy cows product (t)
Total output (EUR)
Total input (EUR)
Total output (EUR)
Total output crops & crop production (EUR)
Total crops output / ha (EUR/ha)
ha (ha)
Total crops output (EUR)
Cereals (EUR)
Protein crops (EUR)
Energy crops (EUR)
Potatoes (EUR)
Sugar beet (EUR)
Oil-seed crops (EUR)
Industrial crops (EUR)
Vegetables & flowers (EUR)
Fruit (EUR)
Citrus fruit (EUR)
Wine and grapes (EUR)
Olives & olive oil (EUR)
Forage crops (EUR)
Other crop output (EUR)
Total output livestock & livestock products (EUR)
Total livestock output / LU (EUR/LU)
Livestock Units (LU)
Total livestock output (EUR)
Change in value of livestock (EUR)
Cows' milk & milk products (EUR)
Beef and veal (EUR)
Pigmeat (EUR)
Sheep and goats (EUR)
Poultrymeat (EUR)
Eggs (EUR)
Ewes' and goats' milk (EUR)
Other livestock & products (EUR)
Other output (EUR)
Farmhouse consumption (EUR)
Farm use (EUR)
Total Inputs (EUR)
Total intermediate consumption (EUR)
Total specific costs (EUR)
Specific crop costs / ha (EUR/ha)
ha (ha)
Specific crop costs (EUR)
Seeds and plants (EUR)
Seeds and plants home-grown (EUR)
Fertilisers (EUR)
Fertiliser N (t)
Fertiliser P2O5 (t)
Fertiliser K2O (t)
Crop protection (EUR)
Other crop specific costs (EUR)
Specific livestock costs / LU (EUR/LU)
Livestock Units (LU)
Specific livestock costs (EUR)
Feed for grazing livestock (EUR)
Feed for grazing livestock home-grown (EUR)
Feed for pigs & poultry (EUR)
Feed for pigs&poultry home-grown (EUR)
Other livestock specific costs (EUR)
Forestry specific costs (EUR)
Total farming overheads (EUR)
Machinery & building current costs (EUR)
Energy (EUR)
Contract work (EUR)
Other direct inputs (EUR)
Depreciation (EUR)
Total external factors (EUR)
Wages paid (EUR)
Rent paid (EUR)
Interest paid (EUR)
Balance of interest paid and received (EUR)
Taxes (EUR)
VAT balance excluding on investments (EUR)
Balance subsidies & taxes on investments (EUR)
Subsidies on investments (EUR)
Payments to dairy outgoers (EUR)
VAT on investments (EUR)
Balance of VAT on investments (EUR)
Gross Farm Income (EUR)
Farm Net Value Added (EUR)
Farm Net Income (EUR)
Farm Net Value Added / AWU (EUR/AWU)
Farm Net Value Added (EUR)
Family Farm Income / FWU (EUR/FWU)
Family Farm Income (EUR)
Total assets (EUR)
Total assets, opening valuation (EUR)
Total fixed assets (EUR)
Land, permanent crops & quotas (EUR)
Buildings (EUR)
Machinery (EUR)
Breeding livestock (EUR)
Total current assets (EUR)
Non-breeding livestock (EUR)
Stock of agricultural products (EUR)
Inventories (EUR)
Other circulating capital (EUR)
Total liabilities (EUR)
Long & medium-term loans (EUR)
Short-term loans (EUR)
Net worth (EUR)
Change in net worth (EUR)
Average farm capital (EUR)
Gross Investment (EUR)
Net Investment (EUR)
Cash Flow (1) (EUR)
Cash Flow (2) (EUR)
Balance current subsidies & taxes (EUR)
Subsidies (excl invest) (EUR)
Total Direct Payments (EUR)
Total subsidies on crops (EUR)
Compensatory payments/area payments (EUR)
Set aside premiums (EUR)
Other crops subsidies (EUR)
Total subsidies on livestock (EUR)
Subsidies dairying (EUR)
Subsidies other cattle (EUR)
Subsidies sheep & goats (EUR)
Other livestock subsidies (EUR)
Environmental subsidies (EUR)
LFA subsidies (EUR)
Other rural development payments (EUR)
Total support for rural development (EUR)
Subsidies on intermediate consumption (EUR)
Subsidies on external factors (EUR)
Decoupled payments (EUR)
Single Farm payment (EUR)
Single Area payment (EUR)
Additional aid (EUR)
Support_Art68 (EUR)
Other subsidies (EUR)
Total OGA output (EUR)
Forestry and wood processing (EUR)
Contractual work (services) (EUR)
Agritourism (EUR)
All specific costs for other gainful activities (EUR)
Apples Production (t)
Apples Sales quantity (t)
Apples Total area under production (ha)
Barley AA (ha)
Barley Production (t)
Barley Sales quantity (t)
Barley Total area under production (ha)
tangerine, mandarine, clem. AA (ha)
Tangerines, mandarins, clementines and similar Production (t)
Tangerines, mandarins, clementines and similar Sales quantity (t)
Tangerines, mandarins, clementines and similar Total area under production (ha)
Carrots Production (t)
Carrots Sales quantity (t)
Carrots Total area under production (ha)
Fallow land without any subsidies_AA (ha)
Fallow land without any subsidies Production (t)
Fallow land without any subsidies Sales quantity (t)
Fallow land without any subsidies Total area under production (ha)
fodder maize_AA (ha)
Green maize Production (t)
Green maize Sales quantity (t)
Green maize Total area under production (ha)
fodder roots+brassicas AA (ha)
Fodder roots and brassicas (excluding seed) Farm use (EUR)
Fodder roots and brassicas (excluding seed) Production (t)
Fodder roots and brassicas (excluding seed) Sales quantity (t)
Fodder roots and brassicas (excluding seed) Total area under production (ha)
table grapes_AA (ha)
Table grapes Production (t)
Table grapes Sales quantity (t)
Table grapes Total area under production (ha)
grapes other wine AA (ha)
Grapes for other wines Production (t)
Grapes for other wines Sales quantity (t)
Grapes for other wines Total area under production (ha)
grapes qual._wine AA (ha)
Grapes for quality wine with PDO Production (t)
Grapes for quality wine with PDO Sales quantity (t)
Grapes for quality wine with PDO Total area under production (ha)
grapes PGI qual._wine AA (ha)
Grapes for quality wine with PGI Production (t)
Grapes for quality wine with PGI Sales quantity (t)
Grapes for quality wine with PGI Total area under production (ha)
temporary_grass AA (ha)
Temporary grass Farm use (EUR)
Temporary grass Production (t)
Temporary grass Sales quantity (t)
Temporary grass Total area under production (ha)
meado.+_perm.past. AA (ha)
Pasture and meadow, excluding rough grazings Farm use (EUR)
Pasture and meadow, excluding rough grazings Production (t)
Pasture and meadow, excluding rough grazings Sales quantity (t)
Pasture and meadow, excluding rough grazings Total area under production (ha)
Hemp AA (ha)
Hemp Production (t)
Hemp Sales quantity (t)
Hemp Total area under production (ha)
Hops AA (ha)
Hops Production (t)
Hops Sales quantity (t)
Hops Total area under production (ha)
Leguminous plants Production (t)
Leguminous plants Sales quantity (t)
Leguminous plants Total area under production (ha)
leased to_others AA (ha)
Land ready for sowing leased to others Total area under production (ha)
Lentils,ch.peas.. AA (ha)
Lentils, chickpeas and vetches Production (t)
Lentils, chickpeas and vetches Sales quantity (t)
Lentils, chickpeas and vetches Total area under production (ha)
Lettuce Production (t)
Lettuce Sales quantity (t)
Lettuce Total area under production (ha)
Melons Production (t)
Melons Sales quantity (t)
Melons Total area under production (ha)
mushrooms_AA (ha)
Mushrooms Production (t)
Mushrooms Sales quantity (t)
Mushrooms Total area under production (ha)
Grain maize_AA (ha)
Grain maize Production (t)
Grain maize Sales quantity (t)
Grain maize Total area under production (ha)
nurseries_incl. vines AA (ha)
Nurseries Sales quantity (t)
Nurseries Total area under production (ha)
nuts AA (ha)
Nuts Production (t)
Nuts Sales quantity (t)
Nuts Total area under production (ha)
Oats AA (ha)
Oats Production (t)
Oats Sales quantity (t)
Oats Total area under production (ha)
tbl. olives_AA (ha)
Table olives Production (t)
Table olives Sales quantity (t)
Table olives Total area under production (ha)
olives for_oil prod. AA (ha)
Olives for oil production (sold in fruit) Production (t)
Olives for oil production (sold in fruit) Sales quantity (t)
Olives for oil production (sold in fruit) Total area under production (ha)
olive oil_AA (ha)
Olive oil Production (t)
Olive oil Sales quantity (t)
Olive oil Total area under production (ha)
Onions Production (t)
Onions Sales quantity (t)
Onions Total area under production (ha)
oranges_AA (ha)
Oranges Production (t)
Oranges Sales quantity (t)
Oranges Total area under production (ha)
Peas,fld beans,. AA (ha)
Peas, field beans and sweet lupines Production (t)
Peas, field beans and sweet lupines Sales quantity (t)
Peas, field beans and sweet lupines Total area under production (ha)
Peaches and nectarines Production (t)
Peaches and nectarines Sales quantity (t)
Peaches and nectarines Total area under production (ha)
Pears Production (t)
Pears Sales quantity (t)
Pears Total area under production (ha)
perm. crp._u/protect.AA (ha)
Permanent crops under glass Total area under production (ha)
Potatoes AA (ha)
Potatoes (incl early and seed) Production (t)
Potatoes (incl early and seed) Sales quantity (t)
Potatoes (incl early and seed) Total area under production (ha)
rape AA (ha)
Rape and turnip rape Production (t)
Rape and turnip rape Sales quantity (t)
Rape and turnip rape Total area under production (ha)
rough gra-_zing AA (ha)
Rough grazings Farm use (EUR)
Rough grazings Production (t)
Rough grazings Sales quantity (t)
Rough grazings Total area under production (ha)
Rice AA (ha)
Rice Production (t)
Rice Sales quantity (t)
Rice Total area under production (ha)
Rye AA (ha)
Rye Production (t)
Rye Sales quantity (t)
Rye Total area under production (ha)
sunflower_ AA (ha)
Sunflower Production (t)
Sunflower Sales quantity (t)
Sunflower Total area under production (ha)
soyaAA (ha)
Soya Production (t)
Soya Sales quantity (t)
Soya Total area under production (ha)
Straw Production (t)
Straw Sales quantity (t)
Sugar beet AA (ha)
Sugar beet (excluding seed) Production (t)
Sugar beet (excluding seed) Sales quantity (t)
Sugar beet (excluding seed) Total area under production (ha)
tomatoes_AA (ha)
Tomatoes Production (t)
Tomatoes Sales quantity (t)
Tomatoes Total area under production (ha)
Cereals (excl. rice) AA (ha)
Cereals (excl. rice) FU (EUR)
Cereals (excl. rice) QQ (t)
Cereals (excl. rice) SA (EUR)
Cereals (excl. rice) TA (ha)
Cereals _oilse&prot.AA (ha)
Cereals _oilse&prot.FU (EUR)
COP: Production Quantity (t)
Cereals _oilse&prot.SA (EUR)
Area (ha)
Oth. field cash crops. - AA (ha)
Oth. field cash crops. - FU (EUR)
Oth. field cash crops. - QQ (t)
Oth. field cash crops. - SA (EUR) crp.-TA (ha)
Forage (incl. grass) (ha)
Forage (incl. grass) FU (EUR)
Forage (incl. grass) QQ (t)
Forage (incl. grass) SA (EUR)
Forage crops products FU (EUR)
Forage crops products QQ (t)
Forage crops products SA (EUR)
Forage crops product TA (ha)
Fruit (incl. citrus) AA (ha)
Fruit (incl. citrus) FU (EUR)
Fruit: Production Quantity (t)
Fruit (incl. citrus) SA (EUR)
Area (ha)
Grass AA (ha)
Grass FU (EUR)
Grass QQ (t)
Grass SA (EUR) AA (ha)
Vegetables, mushrooms, flowers AA (ha)
Vegetables, mushrooms, flowers FU (EUR)
Horticulture: Production Quantity (t)
Vegetables, mushrooms, flowers SA (EUR)
Area (ha)
Tot.irr.crop_AA (ha)
Tot.irr.crop_TA (ha)
Tot. cr. set AA (ha)
Tot. cr. set FU (EUR)
Tot. cr. set QQ (t)
Tot. cr. set SA (EUR)
Non-fruit permanent crops AA (ha)
Non-fruit permanent crops FU (EUR)
Non-fruit permanent crops QQ (t)
Non-fruit permanent crops SA (EUR)
Non-fruit permanent crops TA (ha)
Crops under glas AA (ha)
Crops under glas FU (EUR)
Crops under glas QQ (t)
Crops under glas SA (EUR)
woodland AA (ha)
Wooded area Sales value (EUR)
Wooded area Total area under production (ha)
Common wheat_AA (ha)
Wheat: Production Quantity (t)
Common wheat and spelt Sales quantity (t)
Area (ha)
Durum wheat_AA (ha)
Durum wheat Production (t)
Durum wheat Sales quantity (t)
Durum wheat Total area under production (ha)
Farming overheads. Electricity. Value (EUR)
Motor fuels and lubricants Value (EUR)
Purchased concentrated feedstuffs for grazing stock (equines, ruminants) Value (EUR)
Purchased coarse fodder for grazing stock (equines, ruminants) Value (EUR)
Heating fuels Value (EUR)
Farm-produced feedstuffs for grazing stock (equines, ruminants) Value (EUR)
Farm-produced feedstuffs for pigs Value (EUR)
Purchased feedstuffs for pigs Value (EUR)
Farm-produced feedstuffs for poultry and other small animals Value (EUR)
Purchased feedstuffs for poultry and other small animals Value (EUR)
Crop Protection (EUR)
Water Value (EUR)
milk - FC (EUR)
milk - FU (EUR)
milk - QQ (t)
milk - SA (EUR)
Milk - Total output (EUR)
Bovine animals, >= 1 < 2 y.o., female. Sales for slaughtering. Number (capita)
Bovine animals, >= 1 < 2 y.o., male. Sales for slaughtering. Number (capita)
Bovine animals, < 1 y.o., male and female. Sales for slaughtering. Number (capita)
Male bovine animals, >= 2 y.o.. Sales for slaughtering. Number (capita)
Dairy cows. Sales for slaughtering. Number (capita)
Heifers for fattening. Sales for slaughtering. Number (capita)
Laying hens. Sales for slaughtering. Number (capita)
Pigs for fattening. Sales for slaughtering. Number (capita)
Piglets, live weight < 20 kg. Sales for slaughtering. Number (capita)
Other pigs. Sales for slaughtering. Number (capita)
Poultry - broilers. Sales for slaughtering. Number (capita)
Other poultry. Sales for slaughtering. Number (capita)
Forestry and wood processing Sales value (EUR)
Eggs for human consumption (all poultry) - Farm consumption. Quantity (t)
Eggs for human consumption (all poultry) - Farm use. Quantity (t)
Eggs for human consumption (all poultry) - Production quantity (t)
Eggs for human consumption (all poultry) Sales quantity (t)
Eggs for human consumption (all poultry) Sales value (EUR)
Eggs for human consumption (all poultry) - Total output. Value (EUR)
Eggs for hatching (all poultry) - Farm use. Quantity (t)
Eggs for hatching (all poultry) - Production quantity (t)
Eggs for hatching (all poultry) Sales quantity (t)
Eggs for hatching (all poultry) Sales value (EUR)
Eggs for hatching (all poultry) - Total output. Value (EUR)
Cows' milk - Farm consumption. Quantity (t)
Cows' milk - Farm use. Quantity (t)
Milk: Production Quantity (t)
Cows' milk Sales quantity (t)
Cows' milk Sales value (EUR)
Cows' milk - Total output. Value (EUR)
Casual Paid Annual time worked (h)
Manager Paid Total annual time worked (h)
Other Paid Annual time worked (h)
Casual Unpaid Annual time worked (h)
Holder/manager Unpaid Total annual time worked (h)
Holder/not manager Unpaid Total annual time worked (h)
Manager/not holder Unpaid Total annual time worked (h)
Other Unpaid Annual time worked (h)
Spouse of holder Unpaid Annual time worked (h)
Bovine adult males, dairy (capita)
Bovine adult males, non-dairy (capita)
Bovine fattening males, dairy (capita)
Bovine replacement males, dairy (capita)
Bovine replacement males, non-dairy (capita)
Bovine adult females, dairy (capita)
Bovine fattening females, dairy (capita)
Bovine fattening females, non-dairy (capita)
Bovine replacement females, dairy (capita)
Bovine replacement females, non-dairy (capita)
Ovine/caprine adult males, dairy (capita)
Ovine/caprine adult males, non-dairy (capita)
Ovine/caprine fattening males, dairy (capita)
Ovine/caprine fattening males, non-dairy (capita)
Ovine/caprine replacement males, dairy (capita)
Ovine/caprine replacement males, non-dairy (capita)
Ovine/caprine adult females, dairy (capita)
Ovine/caprine adult females, non-dairy (capita)
Ovine/caprine fattening females, dairy (capita)
Ovine/caprine fattening females, non-dairy (capita)
Ovine/caprine replacement females, dairy (capita)
Ovine/caprine replacement females, non-dairy (capita)
Swine adult males, meat (capita)
Swine replacement males, meat (capita)
Swine adult females, meat (capita)
Swine replacement females, meat (capita)
Avian adult males, meat (capita)
Avian replacement males, meat (capita)
Avian fattening, meat (capita)
Avian adult females, eggs (capita)
Avian replacement females, eggs (capita)
Blue water used directly for avian resident production (m^3)
Human activity applied directly for avian resident production---does not use FADN technical coefficients, has limited use (hr)
Blue water used directly for bovine resident production (m^3)
Human activity applied directly for bovine resident production---does not use FADN technical coefficients, has limited use (hr)
Calculated demand of all forage crops less grass by animal residents (tonne)
Calculated demand of all grass by animal residents (tonne)
Blue water used directly for ovine resident production (m^3)
Human activity applied directly for ovine resident production---does not use FADN technical coefficients, has limited use (hr)
Blue water used directly for swine resident production (m^3)
Human activity applied directly for swin resident production---does not use FADN technical coefficients, has limited use (hr)
Imported feed, forage crop (Domestic) (tonne)
Imported feed, grass (Domestic) (tonne)
Imported Feed (tonne)
Imported feed, grass (Non-Domestic) (tonne)
Calculated immediate excess (production minus farm use) of all forage crops, less grass---does not consider the CDQ variables (tonne)
Production minus farmuse grasses feed (tonne)
Total blue water use (m^3)
Total green water use (m^3)
Blue water use associated with imported feed (m^3)
Green water use associated with imported feed (m^3)
Blue water used for local vegetals (m^3)
Green water used for local vegetals (m^3)
Avian, all (capita)
Bovine, all (capita)
Ovine/caprine, all (capita)
Swine, all (capita)
Avian, eggs (capita)
Avian, meat (capita)
Bovine, non-dairy (capita)
Bovine, dairy (capita)
Ovine/caprine, dairy (capita)
Ovine/caprine, non-dairy (capita)
Beet and Potato (EUR)
Beet and Potato: Agricultural Area (ha)
Beet and Potato: Production Quantity (t)
Beet and Potato Sales Quantity (t)
Area (ha)
Livestock Units (LSU)
Livestock Units: Cattle, Sheep and Goats for meat (LSU)
Livestock Units: Chickens and Pigs for meat (LSU)
Carbon:Nitrogen Ratio (min) (Ratio C:N)
Carbon:Nitrogen Ratio (max) (Ratio C:N)
Carbon:Nitrogen Ratio (range) (Ratio C:N)
Carbon:Nitrogen Ratio (mean) (Ratio C:N)
Carbon:Nitrogen Ratio (std) (Ratio C:N)
Calcium Carbonates (min) ('g·'~kg^{-1})
Calcium Carbonates (max) ('g·'~kg^{-1})
Calcium Carbonates (range) ('g·'~kg^{-1})
Calcium Carbonates (mean) ('g·'~kg^{-1})
Calcium Carbonates (std) ('g·'~kg^{-1})
Nitrogen (min) ('g·'~kg^{-1})
Nitrogen (max) ('g·'~kg^{-1})
Nitrogen (range) ('g·'~kg^{-1})
Nitrogen (mean) ('g·'~kg^{-1})
Nitrogen (std) ('g·'~kg^{-1})
Potassium (min) ('mg·'~kg^{-1})
Potassium (max) ('mg·'~kg^{-1})
Potassium (range) ('mg·'~kg^{-1})
Potassium (mean) ('mg·'~kg^{-1})
Potassium (std) ('mg·'~kg^{-1})
Phosphorous (min) ('mg·'~kg^{-1})
Phosphorous (max) ('mg·'~kg^{-1})
Phosphorous (range) ('mg·'~kg^{-1})
Phosphorous (mean) ('mg·'~kg^{-1})
Phosphorous (std) ('mg·'~kg^{-1})
pH in CaCl2 (min) (pH)
pH in CaCl2 (max) (pH)
pH in CaCl2 (range) (pH)
pH in CaCl2 (mean) (pH)
pH in CaCl2 (std) (pH)
pH in Water (min) (pH)
pH in Water (max) (pH)
pH in Water (range) (pH)
pH in Water (mean) (pH)
pH in Water (std) (pH)
Difference between pH in CaCl2 and Water (min) (difference)
Difference between pH in CaCl2 and Water (max) (difference)
Difference between pH in CaCl2 and Water (range) (difference)
Difference between pH in CaCl2 and Water (mean) (difference)
Difference between pH in CaCl2 and Water (std) (difference)
Evenness (Area) (Shannon's H)
Diversity (Area) (Shannon's H)
Evenness (count) (Shannon's H)
Diversity (count) (Shannon's H)
Evenness Cropping (Area) (Shannon's H)
Diversity Cropping (Area) (Shannon's H)
Evenness Cropping (count) (Shannon's H)
Diversity Cropping (count) (Shannon's H)
Evenness Cropping (tonnes) (Shannon's H)
Diversity Cropping (tonnes) (Shannon's H)
GVA: Agriculture, forestry and fishing (Million Euros)
GVA: Industry (except construction) (Million Euros)
GVA: Manufacturing (Million Euros)
GVA: Construction (Million Euros)
GVA: Wholesale and retail trade, transport, accommodation and food service activities (Million Euros)
GVA: Wholesale and retail trade; transport; accommodation and food service activities; information and communication (Million Euros)
GVA: Information and communication (Million Euros)
GVA: Financial and insurance activities (Million Euros)
GVA: Financial and insurance activities; real estate activities; professional, scientific and technical activities; administrative and support service activities (Million Euros)
GVA: Real estate activities (Million Euros)
GVA: Professional, scientific and technical activities; administrative and support service activities (Million Euros)
GVA: Public administration, defence, education, human health and social work activities (Million Euros)
GVA: Public administration and defence; compulsory social security; education; human health and social work activities; arts, entertainment and recreation (Million Euros)
GVA: Arts, entertainment and recreation (Million Euros)
GVA: Total (Million Euros)
GVA: Agriculture (Million Euros)
Labour: Mining and quarrying (jobs)
Labour: Mining of coal and lignite (jobs)
Labour: Extraction of crude petroleum and natural gas (jobs)
Labour: Mining of metal ores (jobs)
Labour: Other mining and quarrying (jobs)
Labour: Mining support service activities (jobs)
Labour: Manufacturing (jobs)
Labour: Manufacture of food products (jobs)
Labour: Manufacture of beverages (jobs)
Labour: Manufacture of tobacco products (jobs)
Labour: Manufacture of textiles (jobs)
Labour: Manufacture of wearing apparel (jobs)
Labour: Manufacture of leather and related products (jobs)
Labour: Manufacture of wood and of products of wood and cork, except furniture; manufacture of articles of straw and plaiting materials (jobs)
Labour: Manufacture of paper and paper products (jobs)
Labour: Printing and reproduction of recorded media (jobs)
Labour: Manufacture of coke and refined petroleum products (jobs)
Labour: Manufacture of chemicals and chemical products (jobs)
Labour: Manufacture of basic pharmaceutical products and pharmaceutical preparations (jobs)
Labour: Manufacture of rubber and plastic products (jobs)
Labour: Manufacture of other non-metallic mineral products (jobs)
Labour: Manufacture of basic metals (jobs)
Labour: Manufacture of fabricated metal products, except machinery and equipment (jobs)
Labour: Manufacture of computer, electronic and optical products (jobs)
Labour: Manufacture of electrical equipment (jobs)
Labour: Manufacture of machinery and equipment n.e.c. (jobs)
Labour: Manufacture of motor vehicles, trailers and semi-trailers (jobs)
Labour: Manufacture of other transport equipment (jobs)
Labour: Manufacture of furniture (jobs)
Labour: Other manufacturing (jobs)
Labour: Repair and installation of machinery and equipment (jobs)
Labour: Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply (jobs)
Labour: Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply (jobs)
Labour: Water supply; sewerage, waste management and remediation activities (jobs)
Labour: Water collection, treatment and supply (jobs)
Labour: Sewerage (jobs)
Labour: Waste collection, treatment and disposal activities; materials recovery (jobs)
Labour: Remediation activities and other waste management services (jobs)
Labour: Construction (jobs)
Labour: Construction of buildings (jobs)
Labour: Civil engineering (jobs)
Labour: Specialised construction activities (jobs)
Labour: Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles (jobs)
Labour: Wholesale and retail trade and repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles (jobs)
Labour: Sale of motor vehicles (jobs)
Labour: Maintenance and repair of motor vehicles (jobs)
Labour: Sale of motor vehicle parts and accessories (jobs)
Labour: Sale, maintenance and repair of motorcycles and related parts and accessories (jobs)
Labour: Wholesale trade, except of motor vehicles and motorcycles (jobs)
Labour: Wholesale on a fee or contract basis (jobs)
Labour: Wholesale of agricultural raw materials and live animals (jobs)
Labour: Wholesale of food, beverages and tobacco (jobs)
Labour: Wholesale of household goods (jobs)
Labour: Wholesale of information and communication equipment (jobs)
Labour: Wholesale of other machinery, equipment and supplies (jobs)
Labour: Other specialised wholesale (jobs)
Labour: Non-specialised wholesale trade (jobs)
Labour: Retail trade, except of motor vehicles and motorcycles (jobs)
Labour: Retail sale in non-specialised stores (jobs)
Labour: Retail sale of food, beverages and tobacco in specialised stores (jobs)
Labour: Retail sale of automotive fuel in specialised stores (jobs)
Labour: Retail sale of information and communication equipment in specialised stores (jobs)
Labour: Retail sale of other household equipment in specialised stores (jobs)
Labour: Retail sale of cultural and recreation goods in specialised stores (jobs)
Labour: Retail sale of other goods in specialised stores (jobs)
Labour: Retail sale via stalls and markets (jobs)
Labour: Retail trade not in stores, stalls or markets (jobs)
Labour: Transportation and storage (jobs)
Labour: Land transport and transport via pipelines (jobs)
Labour: Water transport (jobs)
Labour: Air transport (jobs)
Labour: Warehousing and support activities for transportation (jobs)
Labour: Postal and courier activities (jobs)
Labour: Accommodation and food service activities (jobs)
Labour: Accommodation (jobs)
Labour: Food and beverage service activities (jobs)
Labour: Information and communication (jobs)
Labour: Publishing activities (jobs)
Labour: Motion picture, video and television programme production, sound recording and music publishing activities (jobs)
Labour: Programming and broadcasting activities (jobs)
Labour: Telecommunications (jobs)
Labour: Computer programming, consultancy and related activities (jobs)
Labour: Information service activities (jobs)
Labour: Real estate activities (jobs)
Labour: Real estate activities (jobs)
Labour: Professional, scientific and technical activities (jobs)
Labour: Legal and accounting activities (jobs)
Labour: Activities of head offices; management consultancy activities (jobs)
Labour: Architectural and engineering activities; technical testing and analysis (jobs)
Labour: Scientific research and development (jobs)
Labour: Advertising and market research (jobs)
Labour: Other professional, scientific and technical activities (jobs)
Labour: Veterinary activities (jobs)
Labour: Administrative and support service activities (jobs)
Labour: Rental and leasing activities (jobs)
Labour: Employment activities (jobs)
Labour: Travel agency, tour operator and other reservation service and related activities (jobs)
Labour: Security and investigation activities (jobs)
Labour: Services to buildings and landscape activities (jobs)
Labour: Office administrative, office support and other business support activities (jobs)
Labour: Repair of computers and personal and household goods (jobs)
TOTAL Labour (jobs)
Sole holders working on the farm (persons)
Female: Sole holders working on the farm (persons)
Male: Sole holders working on the farm (persons)
Labour force - members of sole holders' family (persons)
Male: Labour force: members of sole holders' family (persons)
Female: Labour force: members of sole holders' family (persons)
Family labour force (persons)
Male: Family labour force (persons)
Female: Family labour force (persons)
Regular non family labour force (persons)
Male: Regular non family labour force (persons)
Female: Regular non family labour force (persons)
Regular Labour force (persons)
Male: Regular labour force (persons)
Female: Regular labour force (persons)
Sole holders (AWU)
Female: Sole holders working on the farm (AWU)
Male: Sole holders working on the farm (AWU)
Labour force : members of sole holders' family (AWU)
Male: Labour force: members of sole holders' family - calculated (AWU)
Female: Labour force: members of sole holders' family-calculated (AWU)
Family labour force (AWU)
Male: Family labour force (AWU)
Females: Family labour force (AWU)
Regular non family labour force (AWU)
Male: Regular non family labour force (AWU)
Female: Regular non family labour force (AWU)
Regular Labour force (AWU)
Male: Regular labour force (AWU)
Female: Regular labour force (AWU)
Non-family labour force working on non-regular basis (AWU)
Total: Labour force directly employed by the holding (AWU)
AWU: Labour force not directly employed by the holding (AWU)
Total population (persons)
Soil Wind Erosion (Area) (t/ha/year)
Soil Wind Erosion (Min) (t/ha/year)
Soil Wind Erosion (Max) (t/ha/year)
Soil Wind Erosion (Range) (t/ha/year)
Soil Wind Erosion (Mean) (t/ha/year)
Soil Wind Erosion (St Dev) (t/ha/year)
Soil Wind Erosion (Sum) (t/ha/year)
Soil Water Erosion (Area) (t/ha/year)
Soil Water Erosion (Min) (t/ha/year)
Soil Water Erosion (Max) (t/ha/year)
Soil Water Erosion (Range) (t/ha/year)
Soil Water Erosion (Mean) (t/ha/year)
Soil Water Erosion (St Dev) (t/ha/year)
Soil Water Erosion (Sum) (t/ha/year)
Soil Erosion (Min) (t/ha/year)
Soil Erosion (Max) (t/ha/year)
Soil Erosion (Mean) (t/ha/year)
Soil Erosion (Sum) (t/ha/year)
Pollinator Index (Area) (Index)
Pollinator Index (Min) (Index)
Pollinator Index (Max) (Index)
Pollinator Index (Range) (Index)
Pollinator Index (Mean) (Index)
Pollinator Index (St Dev) (Index)
Pollinator Index (Sum) (Index)
Greenwater Footprint (m^3/year) (Index)
Maximum Sustainable Greenwater Footprint (m^3/year) (Index)
The Difference between the actual and max greenwater footprint (Index)
The difference between the actual and max greenwater footprint expressed as a percentage (Index)
Length of all Linear features (km)
High or Good Ecological Status (%)
Farm Types:
Specialist COP
Specialist other fieldcrops
Specialist horticulture
Specialist wine
Specialist orchards - fruits
Specialist olives
Permanent crops combined
Specialist milk
Specialist sheep and goats
Specialist cattle
Specialist granivores
Mixed crops
Mixed livestock
Mixed crops and livestock